Accomplishments of Graduate Students

2024 Graduate Certificates

In the Fall of 2015, The University of Kansas launched its Graduate Certificate Program in Chemical Biology.  We proudly present our program graduates!  

Matt Russolillo, Prof. Teruna Siahaan, Bryan Jimenez, Eric Ebert, Prof. Brian Ackley, Blanca Rodriguez, Prof. Josie Chandler, Prof. Rebecca Whelan, Erick McCloskey, and Prof. David Davido.


2023 Graduate Certificates

Lexie Cutter, Prof. Brian Ackley, Jacob Kroh, Prof. Roberto De Guzman, Esther Holt, and Prof. Meredith Hartley. 


2023 Graduate Student Accomplishments

Samuel L Gary

Samuel Gary (Steven Bloom’s lab, medicinal chemistry).  Former NIH trainee Samuel Gary was first author on Spectral and Electrochemical Properties of Common Photocatalysts in Water: A Compendium for Aqueous Photoredox CatalysisPublished in Synlett.  Congratulations, Samuel!

Wade Henke (James Blakemore's lab, chemistry).  Congratulations, Wade!  Former NIH trainee Wade Henke was first author on Evidence for charge delocalization in diazafluorene ligands supporting low-valent [Cp*Rh] complexes. Published in Chemistry.

Catherine Kerr

Catherine M Kerr (Anthony Fehr's lab, molecular biosciences).  Congratulations to former NIH trainee Catherine for being first author on PARP12 is required to repress the replication of a Mac1 mutant coronavirus in a cell and tissue specific manner. Published in Journal of Virology.

Catherine M Kerr (Anthony Fehr's lab, molecular biosciences).  More kudos to former NIH trainee Catherine for her work on SARS-CoV-2 Mac1 is required for IFN antagonism and efficient virus replication in cell culture and in mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Published in Epub.



2022 Graduate Certificates

Prof. Brian Ackley, Prof. Tim Jackson, Samuel Gary, Matt Zupan, and Shweta Malvankar.  Not pictured: Rucha Mahadik and Jacob Theismann. 


2022 Graduate Student Accomplishments

Wendy Cristal Aquino

Wendy Cristal Aquino (Brian Ackley's lab, molecular biosciences).  Congratulations to former NIH trainee Wendy Aquino for her publication in Frontiers of Aging titled: Age-dependent accumulation of tau aggregation in Caenorhabditis elegans!

Samuel L Gary

Samuel Gary (Steven Bloom's lab, medicinal chemistry).  Congratulations to former NIH trainee Samuel Gary for his publication in ACS Central Science titled:  Peptide Carbocycles: From-SS-to-CC-via a Late-Stage "Snip-and-Stitch"!


Catherine Kerr

Catherine Kerr (Anthony Fehr's lab, molecular biosciences). Kudos to former NIH trainee Catherine Kerr for giving a talk at the American Society for Virology Annual Meeting!


Rucha Mahadik

Rucha Mahadik (Teruna Siahaan's lab, pharmaceutical chemistry). Congratulations to former NIH trainee Rucha Mahadik for her publication in Medical Research Archives titled: Immune modulation by antigenic peptides and antigenic peptide conjugates for treatment of Multiple Sclerosis!


2021 Graduate Certificates



Prof. Brian Ackley, Wendy Aquino, Kyle Apley, Jennifer Amrein, Catherine Kerr, Anna Klompen, and Prof. Tim Jackson


2021 Graduate Student Accomplishments

Rucha Mahadik

Rucha Mahadik (Teruna Siahaan's lab, pharmaceutical chemistry) participated in a research internship named "Biophysical characterization of adeno-associated viruses (AAVs)" for Biogen in Cambridge, Massachusetts under the direction of Nicholas Larson.


Matt Zupan

Matt Zupan (Meredith Hartley lab, chemistry) participated in a research internship “Investigating lipid signaling in cells using photo-activable lipid probes” at the Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, Oregon under the direction of Dr. Carsten Schultz.


2020 Graduate Student Accomplishments 

David Ingham

David Ingham (Chris Gamblin’s lab, molecular biosciences) received a Roofe Fellowship in Neuroscience Research from the Institute for Neurological Discoveries at the University of Kansas Medical Center. This award will support his research project entitled “Development of in vitro disease-relevant strains of tau for PSP drug discovery”. This award provides stipend for tuition for one year.

Latavia Hill

Latavia Hill (Susan Egan’s lab, molecular biosciences) is participating in a research internship with the Molecular Diagnostics lab at CRL to develop a test involving self-collected samples (e.g., saliva, urine, blood by fingerstick) for COVID-19.

Pamela Johnson

Pamela Johnson (Jenny Robinson's lab, bioengineering) was selected to join the 2020 CAS Future Leaders Program where she will join a group of Ph.D. students and postdoctoral scholars from around the world in a leadership training program and a trip to the ACS National Meeting & Exposition. She will also be participating in an internship at Erise IP​ intellectual property law where she will work as a science technical advisor.

Emily Kurfman

Emily Kurfman (Sue Lunte’s lab, chemistry) was selected as a NASA Space Technology Graduate Researcher for her proposal entitled “Development of an integrated system for cell analysis and profiling by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry.” This award includes a generous stipend, tuition and fees for the 2020-2021 academic year, and an opportunity to participate in a Visiting Technologist Experience.

2019 Graduate Certificates

Prof. Audrey Lamb with four students

Prof. Audrey Lamb, David Ingham, Meghan Franklin, Jennifer Amrein standing in for Kiersten Garcia, and Wendy Aquino Nunez standing in for Yuwen Yin.

2018 Graduate Student Accomplishments

Kelci Schilly

Kelci Schilly (Sue Lunte’s lab, chemistry) is a Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening visiting graduate researcher in the laboratory of Elisabeth Verpoorte at the University of Groningen. Read more about Kelci’s project on paper-based microfluidics and peptide labeling for mass spectrometric detection.

Angelo Andres

Angelo Andres (Blake Peterson’s lab, medicinal chemistry) is the recipient of a Gilliam Fellowship from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Read more about Angelo and his award here.