Carlo Barnaba

- Assistant Professor
Contact Info
2030 Becker Drive
Lawrence, KS 66045, KS 66045
2030 Becker Drive
Lawrence, KS 66045
Personal Links
Education —
Research —
Research Mission:
Our research mission is driven by a passion for advancing pharmaceutical discoveries through cutting-edge quantitative imaging and genomic approaches, with a strong commitment to the translational impact of our work. Our lab is dedicated to shedding light on the complex cellular processes that maintain metabolic homeostasis in the face of nutrient and chemical stress. To achieve this mission, my lab employs a unique skill set that includes genome editing, live-cell imaging, computational biology, and omics, ensuring that we uncover unprecedented mechanistic details. The combination of these tools will allow us to make substantial contributions to the fields of pharmaceutical chemistry and cancer research, ultimately translating our findings into innovative solutions for improved healthcare and precision medicine.