2024 Graduate Certificates

Graduate Training in Chemical Biology

The University of Kansas is the home of an National Institutes of Health Graduate Training Program in the Dynamic Aspects of Chemical Biology at the University of Kansas. Eight NIH trainees (supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences T32 GM132061) complete the Certificate Program curriculum and also complete a collaborative research rotation.

The Program


Through scientific progress our understanding of cellular systems has grown leading to a more nuanced appreciation of both these systems and associated disease processes. This knowledge has led to the formulation of a myriad new questions regarding the interactions of macromolecules within cells and the regulation of these interactions. The Certificate Program in Chemical Biology focuses on developing molecular tools necessary to probe these systems and explore new questions. In order to employ these tools, students require wide access to technologies, databases, scientific training environments and resources that facilitate learning at the interface of biology and chemistry. Multidisciplinary curricula that unite students around common goals empower students to acquire a working knowledge of disciplines outside their area of expertise. The resulting interdisciplinary experience paves the road to collaborative science driving broad advances in understanding human health. The program has participation of students and mentors from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (primarily Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences), theSchool of Pharmacy (principally in Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry) and the School of Engineering (Bioengineering).

At the heart of the Certificate Program in Chemical Biology is an integrated academic curriculum that provides participating students with a working knowledge of the key concepts and methods of the interdisciplinary field of Chemical Biology. Students with strong chemical or biological backgrounds will reap the benefits of collaborative exposure to modern techniques and theories in disciplines across the chemical biology interface. Students are required to:

  • Follow a defined course sequence designed to provide a working knowledge across the chemical biology interface. The curriculum includes a flagship course defining the principles and practice of chemical biology. A fundamental part of the curriculum is the seminar course entitled "Careers in the Biomedical Sciences," which highlights opportunities for doctoral graduates inside and outside academia and industry. The training also emphasizes the completion of rigorous, reproducible, transparent and ethical research.
  • Organize and participate in the annual Biomedical Sciences Symposium. This symposium includes oral presentations by the students on their research and a lecture by an internationally recognized keynote speaker in a research area at the chemistry/biology interface. The students also lead an afternoon interdisciplinary poster session that is open to all students.

The University of Kansas is the home of the National Institutes of Health Graduate Training Program in the Dynamic Aspects of Chemical Biology at the University of Kansas. Eight NIH trainees (supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences T32 GM132061) complete the Certificate Program curriculum and complete a collaborative research rotation.

